Severely affected leaf (left) shows red and purple tints with interveinal streaky lesions. Whilst mildly affected leaf (centre and right) shows interveinal chlorosis and streaky lesions only.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. With progressing deficiency the yellow stripes show red and purple tints.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. With progressing deficiency the yellow/white stripes show red and purple tints and streaky lesions.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. White necrotic spots later develop within these chlorotic zones which coalesce to necrotic stripes between the veins. With progressing deficiency the tips and edges may die off. Growth of plant is normal, unless deficiency is severe.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. Yellow to white stripes or typical beaded lesions occur; tissue along the main vein stays green for the longest time.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. Yellow to white stripes or typical beaded lesions occur; tissue along the main vein stays green for the longest time.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. With progressing deficiency the yellow stripes show red and purple tints.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Maize - Chlorosis
First symptom is interveinal chlorosis at the older leaves. With progressing deficiency the yellow stripes show red and purple tints.
Magnesium deficiency.
Iron and manganese deficiencies show similar symptoms but begin at younger leaves.
Magnesium deficiency made worse by
Sandy soils
Acidic soils
Potassium rich soils
Soils receiving high potash applications
Cold wet periods
Magnesium is important for
Good plant development early in the season
Improves yield
Brings forward harvest date
Yara recommended fertilizers for Magnesium
Maize: 1 to 2 kg/ha. Repeat up to 3 times at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Also, apply as necessary to perennial fruit crops post-harvest. Water rate: 200 l/ha minimum.